Sunday, 18 December 2011

All change for 2012

I've decided that I'll be changing my blog in 2012. I'm not sure how exactly, I'm still thinking it through, I may create an entirely new blog and start from scratch. If I'll do that I'll create a link to the new blog here. Thanks to those who have followed me so far, hope to see you in 2012.


Helen said...

Will wait and watch this space with interest to see what you do in 2012 all the best for the new year

Felicia said...

Hi Dee, I signed up for life book today....... what a great way to start the year!
I look forward to seeing you there,
Happy New Year lovely, may it bring you only good things! x x x x x

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

I gotta lotta thots and stories in our 22 blogs…
and I’m more than happy to share,
to give to you what God has granted me - a steward
in this finite existence, this lifelong demise.
And why not?
Aren’t we all in the same family made by God,
different cultures, different tongues?

Faith, hope, and love -
the greatest of these is love:
jump into faith...
and you'll see with love.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe
(what I write);
God believes in you.
God. Bless. You.
Meet me Upstairs where the Son never goes down…